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With the expected launch of Series 9 only two to three months away, the news has been coming in quickly. Directors, writers, episode titles and synopses, guest stars, and on and on. It’s like getting daily hints as to what one’s Christmas present really is. It can get a bit overwhelming at times to process it all. But fear not –help is here!

This week, we compile all we know to date about Doctor Who Series 9, and share it with you in one simple, easy to digest pill…er, podcast. Listen in as we get you up to speed on all the latest breaking news about the 12th Doctor’s sophomore season, and the final adventures through space and time with Clara Oswald.

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One Thought on “Series 9: What We Know So Far”

  • Yes. Those sort of post-edit blooper “nuggets” are par for the course. We simply don’t want Jay ever to get sleep on a Sunday night, you see.

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