GPR Live at LI Who 3

“No changes are permanent / But change is.” Musician Neil Peart’s lyric from ‘Tom Sawyer’ may very well have been speaking of the Doctor Who program, a premise that, since the Troughton era, was built upon the idea of changes great and small.

Recorded live from the Friday festivities at Long Island Doctor Who Con 3 (or L.I. Who 3, for short), we get a rare opportunity to chat directly with attending GPR listeners on the subject of intentional instability in Doctor Who. When a program is created that has the capacity for sweeping changes in character, location, casting and format built into its description, the viewing audience should be aware of (if not willing to accept) those changes with some regularity.

[Immense thanks to the entire staff and guests of L.I. Who 3 for their hospitality, assistance in this recording session and interviews through the weekend, and for hosting such a wonderful Whovian convention over all. We’ll see you again in November of ’16. As for the rest of you, get your tickets now for L.I. Who 4!]