LI Who 4 Preview

We’ve never backed off our immense love and preference for the intimate, fan-run conventions, be they based on the Doctor Who fandom, or any other. There’s nothing like finding yourself in line for a morning cup of tea next to a celebrity or writer you admire, instead of rubbing far more than elbows with every living soul packed like so many sardines into an overcrowded convention hall. Long Island Doctor Who, or L.I. Who for short, has figured you the balance between intimacy of scale and quality of offerings, and with the fourth annual event coming up the weekend of 11 November, excitement and expectations are high — particularly here in the GPR studios.

Joined this week by the L.I. Who showrunner and quintessential DW fan, Ken Deep, we get to chat about the motivation to start the convention, the events to look forward to (both returning to the schedule, and new to this year), and what having the right staff of incredible people can do to make the experience one that both veteran con attendees and first-time guests can find truly extraordinary.

L.I. Who Tickets and Information:

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