Planet of the Spiders

Everyone has their phobias, be they great or small. For some, they focus on mortal dangers, like heights, open waters, small spaces. For others, they are rooted in the misunderstood or the alien, such as snakes, French mimes, or spiders. So what is the Doctor’s fear? What is that one flaw in their character that could be exploited so adeptly by a powerful adversary, that even they are found without rebuttal, without a plan, without a solution? It’s rats, isn’t it? Gotta be rats. I mean, seriously. RATS.

This week, we bid the fondest farewell to Jon Pertwee as our Third Doctor, as we chant into being a six-episode chase through “Planet of the Spiders”. Haley and Jay enjoy this story for the first time, as Keir picks their brains like so many sentient eight-legs to gather their thoughts on Yates’ redemption, Pertwee’s denouement, the need or lack thereof for the humans of Metebelis III, and the Brigadier’s floofy haircut. Honestly, you expect a serious, thought-provoking conversation about the regeneration of one of the most revered iterations of the Doctor…from us?